
You can create additional administrator accounts and assign them the privileges you wish them to have, so you can have another full admin or an admin that can only run reports.

To access the Administrators page, do the following:

  1. Login to your PBX Admin Portal.
    • i.e.
      (replace customer with your system's actual subdomain)
  2. Go to PBX > PBX Setup > Administrators.

Add Administrator

Assign a Username and Password to the new admin user.

You can note which Department Name and Extension Range applies to the admin. (Entering values into those fields does not limit the Admin, but is used to organize a group of Administrators.)

Admin Access is where you assign the privileges to the administrator. To select more than one, you can hold the "Ctrl" keyboard button and click each privilege, or hold the "Shift" keyboard button and click on the last privilege and all privileges in between will also be granted.