CRM Lookup

CRM Lookup Button

Follow the instructions below to enable the CRM Lookup Button on your Freevoice Softphone which will trigger your CRM to lookup the account or lead based on the phone number.

For Windows:

  1. Click Tools, then Options.

  2. Click Advanced, then Property Editor, then "I am aware of the risks"

  3. Click the "New" button to add a new property.
  4. In the Name field enter
  5. In the "Value" field enter true
  6. Click OK to save the parameter.

  7. Click the "New" button to add another property.
  8. In the Name field enter
  9. In the Value field enter the command to trigger your CRM. Where the phone number should be substituted enter a %s See the list below for a few example CRM's'.
  10. Click OK to save the parameter.

  11. While on a call, your Call Panel should now have a CRM button. Clicking this button should trigger your CRM application.

Property Name:

Property Values:
  • Debt Pay Pro:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

  • Zoho CRM:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

Automatic CRM Lookup on Inbound

Follow the instructions below to have the CRM pop-up automatically upon receiving the call.

On the Freevoice Softphone, go to Tools > Options > Events > Incoming Call​ and enable the gear icon, the Program File field will become available.​

​Enter the link below as one line with a space separating the two sides into the Program File field:
​*Make sure the path to chrome on your machine is correct.​

For Windows:

  • Debt Pay Pro:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe${caller.number}​​​

    &name=${} is an optional variable that can be added to pass the inbound CID name.

  • Zoho CRM:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe${caller.number}​​​ 

CRM Button Alternative for Legacy Softphone

The links below can be used to pop open your CRM while using the Legacy version of the Freevoice softphone.

  • Debt Pay Pro:$(CALLERNUMBER)

    &name=$(CALLERNAME) is an optional variable that can be added to pass the inbound CID name.


You would place this link in the soft-phone's settings under the Call Events section for URL field.
Afterwards, you would select the URL pop-up condition, and then apply the changes.

User Portal Lookup

Follow the instructions below to have the CRM pop-up automatically for calls made/received, while the user is logged into the User Portal.

In the User Portal (Web and App version), simply click on Settings, and paste the following for the field URL Pop-Up (Incoming, Outgoing, or both as needed):

  • Debt Pay Pro:
  • Alternatively, you may need to use:
  • Zoho CRM:

For the old version of the User Portal, login with your credentials, click the wrench icon in your My Calls module and in the Call URL Pop field, paste:

  • Debt Pay Pro:
  • Zoho CRM:

Check the box for Call URL Popup on Answer if you only want the lookup to occur if the agent answered the call.

Queue URL Pop

Follow the instructions below to create a URL Pop Link in the Agent Portal that your Agents can click on to pop-up the CRM contact of the call they are currently connected too. Queue URL Pop only available for the PBX Call Center.

Paste the following link into the URL Pop field of the desired queue:

And input any one of the variables below on the end of the URL:
Caller ID Number = ${CALLERID(number)}
Caller ID Name = ${CALLERID(name)}
Caller ID Prefix = ${CALLERID_PREFIX}
Inbound Route/DID = ${FROM_DID}
Queue Number = ${EXTEN}